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What is CBLV?

There are literally hundreds of cannabinoids that can be found in hemp and marijuana plants. Some cannabinoids exist in larger quantities such as CBD and THC. Other cannabinoids exist in such small quantities that we are only just beginning to research them. Cannabicyclovarin, or CBLV for short, is one of those cannabinoids we are just beginning to explore.

According to Cannabis Economy, "CBLV was first detected in 1972 and is produced by CBCV during irradiation. Like CBL, very little is known about the therapeutic effects of CBLV."

CBL and CBCV are both minor cannabinoids that have only just begun to be explored. Recent research is just barely scraping the surface on the potential of these minor cannabinoids. But thanks to expanded cannabis legalization, research is becoming more accessible.

So what exactly do we know about CBLV?

Beyond the molecular structure and boiling point (667 degrees Fahrenheit), we know very little. According to Elev8, " CBLV was isolated as optically colorless and inactive needles. The structure of CBLV was obtained by CBCV-C3 irradiation and confirmed by comparison with CBLV-C3 synthetic."

Since CBLV is related to CBL and there is a medical interest in exploring the possible therapeutic properties of CBL, CBLV could be on the shortlist for researchers' attention. Currently, we cannot identify the therapeutic properties of CBLV, but as cannabis legalization continues to expand, minor cannabinoids are becoming more easily accessible. With time (and plenty of research), we will be able to turn the possibilities into definites.

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