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Email Marketing Tips and Tricks

Everyone has an email these days. In fact, many people will have multiple emails for different purposes. According to Review 42, the average person has 1.75 email accounts. Based on that statistic alone, it makes sense to have some sort of email marketing plan for your business.

Why email marketing?

According to Hubspot, "59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI." There are a million and one various types of marketing campaigns that you can choose from, but hardly any are as easy to get in front of your customer as email marketing. Depending on how you utilize your email marketing strategy, you could very easily turn those email notifications into dollar signs.

Optimize for mobile usage states, "81% check their email on smartphones, 74% on desktop/laptop, 21% on tablet, 2% on a smartwatch."

What this tells us is that our emails should look just as good on our phones as they do on a desktop. After all, a bad email can have just as strong an impact as a well laid out one.

Consider keeping your subject lines to 30 characters or less. On a mobile device, the first 30 characters are visible, the rest is only visible after the user has clicked on the email. By keeping your subject lines short, it sends a clear message and increases click-through rates.

Another thing to consider is avoiding all caps. This is reminiscent of spam emails that advertise bedroom enhancement products and winning lottery tickets.

Also, consider responsive vs fixed layouts. How your email (or any content) will appear varies from device to device. If you use a web host like Wix or WordPress, then this will be a piece of cake. And just like cake, the more well put together, the better your audience will think of it.

Grow your subscriber list naturally

Never never never (never never) pay for an email list. One of the worst things a person can get is emails that they never subscribed to. It actually comes across as very spammy. The unique thing about email marketing is that users consent to receive your marketing campaign and if there is one thing we all know in 2020, it's that consent is queen. In fact, many people will automatically unsubscribe or report your emails as spam. Long story short, it's spammy. Don't do it.

Make Your Content Count

Finally, consider this. Is your email really necessary? Sending out too many emails can actually have a negative effect. If you are familiar with Wix or WordPress, then you know that a blog you subscribe to will often send out an automated email when the blog has a new post. This feature can be turned off (it can be tricky to find though!). I adopted a 3 email a month system, sending out a summary of the latest blog articles to my email subscribers. By adopting this method, my subscribers know my emails won't fill up their inbox with nonsense.



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